TournameNt checklist


Register USA Fencing membership

Register AskFRED account

Buy your fencing gear

Try your fencing gear at club

Register for event (>4 wks prior)

Local events managed on AskFRED

Transportation & hotel reservations

Consult coach for strip coaching ​availabilities

Other items for Tournament

Fencing bag/duffel


Water bottles

Jump rope (optional)

Earphones (optional)

Massage gun (optional)

Day of Tournament

After Po​ols

Check your bout scores

Shake the referee’s hand

Rest to conserve energy between ​Pool and DE

Stay hydrated/ Eat a snack

Keep your fighting/learning spirit ​intact.

Check in with your coaches before ​you leave the tournament.

Pack for Tournament

USA Fencing membership card

Electric fencing mask

Fencing jacket

Chest protector

Fencing lame x 2

Electric fencing glove x 2

Saber weapon x 2


Fencing pants

Fencing socks x 2

Fencing shoes

Body Cord x 2

Mask Cord x 2

Check-in (at least 1 hr ahead)

Complete equipment check

Say “hi” to your coaches

Warm-up routine


Practice Bouts

Stay hydrated

Check for your ​pool and DE assignments

Text your coaches when you are “on ​deck.”

Please email coaches for detailed ​strip coaching instructions prior to ​the tournament.

you have got this

We are Family

In the heart of West Coast, where sabers meet,

We stand as one family, never facing defeat.

With unity and compassion, we carve our way, ​Encouraging each other, every single day.

In competition and teamwork, we're complete!

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